Thursday, May 12, 2011


I’ll be perfectly honest. I’ve hardly worked on the shirts this week. Life has gotten in the way. This past week has been awfully sad, with the passing of two family-friends just days apart.

Sometimes events such as this put everything back into perspective. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. I think we often get caught up in the madness that is everyday life, and we rarely stop to reflect on how beautiful life is. It’s truly a gift!

If I have learned anything, it is to make the most of the time you have. Spend it with the people you love. Surround yourself with good people. Live a life of peace, integrity and meaning. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Life is short. Live in the moment and enjoy the time we have.

“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count.  It's the life in your years.” ~Abraham Lincoln


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