“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.” ~B.K.S. Iyengar
In honor of National Yoga Month, I thought it would a good time to share a little background on my journey with yoga.
I started doing yoga in college--DVDs (okay, actually it was VHS tapes--wow, I’m old!) because lets face it, that was way cheaper than taking a class. I found the practice to be relaxing-something I needed with the stress of university life. I also found it therapeutic, having had hernia surgery my freshman year, which resulted in scar tissue and nerve pain.
Over the following years, I continued to enjoy a peaceful yoga practice when time allowed, but it wasn’t until the last couple of years that I realized how important it would become.
Complications from that surgery back in college came back to haunt me years later, causing chronic pain that basically changed my life. A lot of activities I used to enjoy were no longer possible. The pain began to take over my life. My mind dwelled on it and soon I became overwhelmed with everything.
Along with the pain, other major changes were going on in my life. I had recently quit the job I had been practically married to for many years, and was trying to decide what I wanted to do next. Having more free time than ever, I decided to check out a neighborhood yoga studio--something I hadn’t had the luxury of doing when I was a workaholic.
This move changed my life.
The difference between a yoga DVD and an actual class was huge. It was the best yoga practice I had ever experienced, and I left that day with a new sense of calm...and hope.
My practice deepened tremendously from then on out. Through yoga, I really started to grasp the idea of the mind-body connection, which has been a life-saver dealing with the chronic pain. It’s also helped manage my stress/anxiety, because let’s face it, almost everyone has that these days! Finally, through this love affair that developed with yoga, I was inspired and started free to be yoga tees.
Yoga changed my perspective on how I view life. My mantra “be here now” signifies the importance of living in the moment. A good friend gave that to me, and it’s been a constant reminder to enjoy now. I have a new sense of gratitude for everything and everyone around me. I focus on the positive rather than dwell on the negative. I am more compassionate and I have grown to be more patient (well....more patient than I used to be!) :)
I’ve learned to accept the things I used to fight--especially the pain. I’ve learned to separate how I physically feel from how I am--meaning I can now have a great day even if my pain levels are high. Before, if I was in serious pain, it ruined the day. I’ve learned to listen to my body. I know when to push...when to rest...and to honor that and be happy with where I am.
Yoga has also helped me reconnect with nature. Growing up I was into saving the environment, endangered species, etc. I sort of lost sight of all of that over the years, but yoga has helped put me back in touch with this side of myself. I think there is more to come on this front...just need to figure out exactly what direction I’d like to take, but I know I can make a difference. I believe we all can.
I hope I haven’t completely bored you with my yoga story. But I wanted to share with you, so you’d understand why it’s important to me. Yoga has changed me...it’s inspired me...it’s helped me manage pain...and live a better, more meaningful life.
If you have never tried yoga, I highly recommend checking it out. Whether you are just looking for a new workout regimen, need an outlet to de-stress, suffer from chronic pain--or other health issues for that matter--yoga may be your best bet. And of course, when you practice, don’t forget to wear your free to be yoga tee! Haha, couldn’t help myself! :)
Until next time...
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