Thursday, December 8, 2011

Traveling Mike

"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving."  ~Lao Tzu

I love traveling.  Mind you, my bucket list of places I’d like to go is about a mile long, as I really haven’t had the chance to truly explore the world...yet.

So while I sit here and daydream of the places I’d like to go one day, I am also enjoying a trip around the world vicariously through my cousin Mike--who shall be known going forward as Traveling Mike.  :)

My cousin, a true free spirit, has inspired me.  He left his stable and well-paying job for a one year sabbatical--opting to travel the world by himself!  With a one-way ticket to Hong Kong, he left with only a carry-on bag and a list of places he’d like to hit on his year-long journey.

I was amazed, not to mention shocked, by the lack of luggage or a planned itinerary.  If it were me leaving for a long trip, I’d have to bring my whole closet!!  Haha--I’m really not joking though!! ;)  In addition to over-packing, I would most likely have over-planned every detail of my trip in advance-because that is what I tend to do!  But Traveling Mike’s mentality is to go with the flow.  He can always pick up things he needs along the way and regarding destinations, he’ll just see where the winds take him next so to speak.  Profound.

Before he left for his adventure, I gave him a free to be yoga tee.  I crossed my fingers it would make it into his small bag for the year-long journey.  And to my amazement, Traveling Mike has been sporting it on his travels.

I can’t describe how happy I was to see Traveling Mike sporting his free to be yoga tee while I was flipping through some photos he had posted of his trip so far.  First Hong Kong and then Vietnam...I almost felt like I was there....almost!

So as my free to be yoga tee (actually Traveling Mike’s tee!) travels around the world, I will be posting pictures in an album named “Traveling Mike” that can be found on free to be yoga tee’s Facebook page.  You can enjoy the journey with me as the yoga tee sees the world!

And feel free to submit your own pictures to me via e-mail at or via Facebook.  Would love to check out your adventures sporting a free to be yoga tee, whether it’s to an exotic location or even an outdoor adventure at your local park!

To Traveling Mike, safe travels and thanks again for taking your free to be yoga tee on your around-the-world adventure!

Until next time...


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