Tuesday, December 11, 2012

keep calm & be merry

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” ~Calvin Coolidge

At the beginning of this holiday season I decided this was going to be the year I scaled back and made my best attempt to enjoy the true meaning of Christmas--rather than get caught up in the chaos December usually brings.  “Less is more” became my mantra for this holiday season.

I’m proud to say I’ve scaled back somewhat, but as Christmas draws near, I feel myself getting sucked into all hoopla that I have tried so hard to avoid.

Decorating, Christmas cards, baking, shopping, etc.--all synonymous with the holidays.  And while these can be fun and are often considered traditions, when they become more “work” than fun, what’s the point?

I know I’m not alone on this feeling.  In fact, one day this month I was at a department store browsing around for gift ideas, and was nearly knocked over by an anxious shopper who couldn’t even slow down or say ‘excuse me.’  Where is the holiday spirit!?

So “less is more” is going to remain my goal now through Christmas, in an effort to truly enjoy the season and keep it simple.  This time of year is supposed to be joyful and merry, not stressful and scary! ;)

I encourage you all to slow down and enjoy the holiday season!  Keep calm & be merry.

Until next time...


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