Wednesday, January 15, 2014


“It’s not enough to be busy.  So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” ~Henry David Thoreau

Welcome 2014!  Granted it’s halfway through January, I’d still like  to wish you all a very Happy New Year!

When I came across the Thoreau quote above some time back, I don’t think I really “got” what it was saying...but more recently, it really struck a cord and made me think about the direction of free to be yoga tees®.

Over the last year, free to be yoga tees® continued to grow, and like many small businesses, started experiencing “growing pains”.  The workload grew significantly, things started to become a little overwhelming and well, way less fun.

That’s normal...that is least that’s what I kept telling myself!  And then I realized perhaps I was stuck in a rut.  If I am so busy that I can never get caught up, can’t afford to hire help and am slowly losing the joy and passion that free to be used to bring me, what am I doing?  

That’s why I’ve decided to slow down and spend the early part of 2014 refocusing on my goals and the direction I’d like to see free to be yoga tees® go this year and beyond.  There is no time like the present to reinvent, and I think that’s a great word to describe the year ahead.  More to come soon! :)

Until next time...


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