Wednesday, April 27, 2011
update on upcoming line!
“It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.” Wise words of wisdom from Confucius, and somewhat of a mantra I have adopted during this creative process of bringing the free to be yoga tee brand to life.
I’m getting closer to having the first wave ready to go! It’s taking me a lot longer than I thought it would, but being somewhat of a perfectionist, I’d rather try and get it right the first time around! The women’s line will debut late spring/early summer, and I hope to have a men’s line ready to go by the holidays.
The upcoming line is made entirely in the USA--which I am very proud of--plus it’s earth-friendly too! The shirts are made from organic bamboo--nature’s most sustainable resource. In addition, the designs are being printed with water-based inks, which are better for the environment.
Stay tuned for the launch--can’t wait for you all to check it out! A brief thank you to my family and friends for their continued support and encouragement. It’s been an incredible journey thus far--I continue to learn a ton and have grown so much over the last year both personally and professionally. As I get closer to the launch, I need to remind myself how far I’ve come, because slow or not, there is no stopping me now!
Until next time...
Hi friends!
In an effort to reach as many people as possible, I’ve joined Blogger. Please check out my blog if you have a chance at freetobeyogateesblog.com! You can subscribe via e-mail here to receive updates right in your in-box OR you can even share the blog entires via Facebook and Twitter.
Of course, you can always just read my blog entries here on the free to be website as well! In the crazy world we live in, I’m just trying to keep up and spread the word about free to be yoga tees! :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
free to be yoga tees
It all started with an idea. It was March 2010, and I was at yoga. Instead of focusing on my breath and being present in the moment, I stood there in down dog with my mind wondering as it often does.
True, quieting the mind is something we all try to achieve in yoga, and sometimes I am able to do that. But more often than not, my wheels start to turn and the ideas start to flow. Generally, the inspiration I find during my practice motivates me the minute I leave the mat.
During this particular point in my life, I was going through some big changes. I had recently quit my job. I was burnt out, unhappy and searching for balance in my life. It was a bold move, but one worth making. With so much uncertainty of what was ahead, I felt confused and overwhelmed with what to do next. Maybe that’s why on this particular day during yoga, when all of a sudden I had this vision to start designing my own yoga tees, I figured it was another one of my silly ideas. So I jotted it down in my journal, and that was it.
Fast forward to June 2010. Somehow, the idea of designing my own line of yoga tees stuck in my head since that day back in March. And after thinking about it....talking about it....I realized it was time to do something about it. So I did!
Shortly thereafter, it became official. I started my own company, free to be llc. June 28, 2010 marked the birth of free to be yoga tees, an apparel company offering motivational shirts aimed at enhancing one’s yoga practice, while bringing a smile to his or her face. The idea was to take a yoga tee, bring it to life and give it character, allowing yogis a way to express themselves in a fun way beyond the mat.
But it is more than that! It’s also a state of mind. I want to inspire through this line, as well as through the website and my blog, and hopefully remind everyone that we are all free to be anything we want!
This journey has been a slow one, but enjoyable to say the least! I started by designing the free to be logo, which was inspired by the dragonfly. This amazing creature of the wind represents change, good luck, strength, peace and harmony. I couldn’t think of anything better to symbolize my yoga tees! Another thing important to me is nature, so I started to focus on ways to make this clothing line as earth-friendly as possible. And finally, the shirts had to be made in the USA. These requirements may have delayed the process a bit, but I would not imagine doing it any other way!
And that is it, in a nutshell. I have a long way to go, and the ideas continue to materialize, but I’ve taken my idea....my dream...and made it a reality. Down the road, I envision making a difference through free to be yoga tees, perhaps finding a charitable cause to support. But for now, I truly feel like the sky is the limit and the possibilities are endless. Excited to see where the road leads next!
All aboard, my friends! It’s gonna be a fun ride!
Thanks for your support.
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