Wednesday, August 3, 2011

go green!

“The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty.  The activist is the man who cleans up the river.”  ~Ross Perot
I traveled to the northwest this past weekend for a mini-vacation.  During my sightseeing extravaganza, I was pleasantly surprised how green it was.  And I’m not talking about the lush evergreen forests that blanket the area.  I am referring to how eco-friendly it was--I must say it’s truly inspiring!
While the green movement has been increasingly popular over the last couple of years, I was surprised by how far ahead they seem to be out there.  Whether it was the electric buses, car pool lanes, hybrid cars, recycling bins, farmers markets, natural food stores, homeopathic pharmacies, the theme was green no matter which way you looked. 
In Seattle, I noticed a recycle bin next to each garbage can throughout the city.  Talk about convenient!  Of course people will be more apt to recycle when it’s so easy!  It’s not a hassle out’s a way of life.
As I arrived home in the mitten, I felt motivated.  I plan to look into organizations trying to implement green initiatives and get involved.  If we all make a conscious effort, imagine the difference we can make!  I look forward to the day that no matter where I travel, every city is green and a recycle bin sits along my path. 

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