Tuesday, October 30, 2012


“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

I came across the quote above some time ago and really fell in love with the saying.  And while I sometimes don’t agree with it since I am always right (haha, kidding of course!), I do find it fitting heading into the home stretch of this election year.

It’s been an ugly political season.  You can’t go anywhere without encountering hateful and often misleading/misinformed ads.

As the two sides battle it out in this last, pivotal week, I’m not going to harp on who I think should win the election in this blog entry.  Although I think my views are quite clear since the environment is so important to me, but again, that’s my opinion.

What I wanted to touch upon today is the importance of voting.  There is no time for apathy here--we are fortunate to have the right to vote!  So use your voice and make it count.  A lot of people sit around and complain, but few do anything about it.  Be the change.

Research what is important to you...know the candidates and what they stand for...and show up.  It’s not that hard.  I know we are all busy, but if you don’t show up to vote, you have no room to complain.

Until next time...


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