Tuesday, July 12, 2011

my vacation

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.  The mind is everything.  What we think we become.”  ~Buddha

I just got back from a family vacation.  One of the worst trips ever.  I won’t bombard you with the boring details of vacation drama, but lets just say there were some circumstances out of our control that made it difficult to relax and enjoy.

I mean, it was bad!  However, what made it worse is that I let the external things going on get inside my head and create a whole new world of hell.  

While all of the events were unfolding on our trip, I kept thinking there has to be a lesson here or something.  Unfortunately, I let one small thing after another get under my skin, and before I knew it I was lost in a sea of negativity.  I was so absorbed I couldn’t remove myself from the situation and even attempt at enjoying the trip.

Looking back, I am embarrassed that I allowed that to happen.  Through my yoga practice, I’ve really gotten better at looking at the bright side of things and having a positive outlook...a sense of gratitude.  All of that knowledge out the door on this vacation--epic failure!  haha :)

But in all seriousness, I can’t change what happened or how I acted.  I can learn from it though and hopefully be stronger the next time!  Because there will be a next time...life is full of drama!  I just need to remind my mind that I’m in the driver seat and I control the direction of my emotions.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time I take a mental vacation!

Aloha...and namaste!

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